1. A의 주장을 조목조목 반박하며... means "refute A's argument one by one".
1) 반박[反駁]하다 : (formal) refutation, (formal) rebuttal, (formal) refute, (formal) rebut
2) 그는 나의 이론을 정면으로 반박했다 : He refuted my theory head-on. / He rebuted my theory head-on
2. B의 주장을 조목조목 따지며... means "argue about B's arguments one by one"
1) 따지다 :
(1) [=캐묻다] nitpick, quibble over
- 시시콜콜 따지지 좀 마라 : Don't nitpick.
(2) [=계산하다] calculate
- 비용을 따지다 : calculate the cost (of)
(3) [=잘잘못을 가리다] determine, figure out; [=논쟁하다•언쟁하다] argue about
- 누가 잘못했는지 한번 따져 봅시다 : Let's figure out who's to blame here.
2) 논쟁[論爭]하다 : have an argument; dispute (about/over), argument (about/over), controversy, argue (about/over), have an argument (about/over)
- 논쟁에 끼어들다 : enter into[join in] a dispute
3) 언쟁[言爭]하다 : quarrel, argument, dispute; bickering, squabble
- 언쟁을 벌이다 : argue[quarrel] (with/about/over)
4) 조목조목[條目條目] : one by one
- 조목조목 따져 보다 : examine[check; figure out] sth one by one
5) 주장[主張] : [=의견] opinion; [=고집] insistence, assertion, (formal) contention; [=논점] argument; [근거가 없는] claim, insist, assert (that), argue, (formal) contend (that); [근거 없이(without proof)] claim
- 타당한 주장
a rational argument
6) 주장[主將] : [운동경기(sports game)] captain, leader
- 나는 팀의 주장이 되었다 : I became the captain of our team.
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