1. postposition as an adjunct to various forms of speech except an unconjugation adjective.
1) used to encompass or enumerate two or more things (facts). it has a meaning of “and”, “also”, “too”
예) 너도 나도 다 가자 : Let's all go, too.
노래도 잘하지만 춤도 잘 춘다 : I'm good at singing, but I'm good at dancing
돈도 명예도 다 싫다 : I hate money, power and honor.
2) Used to enumerate the opposite things (facts) side by side. It's usually used as the shape of '~도 ~도'》
예) 크지도 작지도 않고 딱 좋다 : It's not big, it's not small, it's perfect.
더도 덜도 말고 한가위[추석]만 같아라 : No more and no less, just like Autumn eve[Harvest moon festival]
3) To anticipate a criterion and indicate 'more or less'
예) 그 사람은 집도 없소 : He doesn't even have a house.
관람객이 천 명도 더 왔다 갔다 : A thousand more visitors came and went
4) To indicate a similar fact as in other cases
예) 오늘도 몹시 춥구나 : It's also freezing today
이 극장도 만원일세 : This theater is full as in another
5) indicate a sign of concession/a concession/compromise
예) 밥이 없으면 죽이라도 좋소 : If you don't have rice, i can eat even water gruel
딸도 귀엽기만 합디다 : My daughter is cute, too
6) To use as an accent/intensification or an exclamation
예) 아이고, 싱겁기도 해라 : Oh, you are very insipid
오늘 밤은 달도 밝구나 : The moon is very bright tonight
2. Prefix means a 'boss/master' attached to a noun that indicates a rank or position.
예) 도편수 : a master builder
도사공 : a master potter
3. a noun indicates one of korean local administrative areas. It governs the city and county, etc.
4. a suffix
1) means the year that is attached to the back of most nouns or nouns that represent the year.
예) 내년도 : next year
88년도 : in 1988
2) The degree to which some nouns are attached is 'quantity'.
예) 안전도 : degree of safety
지명도 : degree of celebrity
5. a noun
1) If only one of the four mates is allowed to go down by throwing a pair of chopsticks. [The horse is only getting one field better.]
2) The first seat on the board in chopstick game. [Between a field and a dog]
6. a suffix means 'island' that attaches to some nouns that represent a geographical name.
예) 완도 : wan island
울릉도 : wooleong island
강화도 : ganghwa island
무인도 : a desert island; an uninhabited island
7. a noun
1) A measuring tools for measuring the length of an object. A word for all kinds of '자’(a ruler, a measure)
2) degree, precision, limits
예) 도가 지나친 행동 : overstepping behavior
8. a dependent noun
1) unit of angle
예) 90분의 1이 1도 : 90th of a right angle is 1 degree
2) unit of temperature
예) 섭씨 100도 : cesius 100
화씨 25도 : Fahrenheit 25
3) the unit of longitude and latitude of the earth
예) 북위 38도 : 38th parallel north
동경 122도 : 122nd meridian east
서경 100도 : 100th meridian west
4) A unit that counts the number of things
예) 4도 인쇄 : a four-degree printing
5) A unit that represents the strength of one's eyesight or glasses
예) 1.2도의 시력 : 1.2° vision
6) A unit of sound
9. a suffix attached to some Chinese words, it means 'the group' or 'the person attached there'
예) 법학도 : a law student, a jurist
의학도 : a doctor[medical] student
10. a noun “도” is contracted from “도형”(penal servitude)
11. a noun
1) the right thing to do
2) A religious root meaning, or a profound realization
예) 도를 깨닫다 : realize one's virtue
3) a method of art, martial arts, and defense
12. a suffix attached to the back of some nouns representing the province, it means one of the administrative districts.
예) 경기도 : Gyeonhgi province
강원도 : Gangwon province
13. a noun indicates the first note of a major scale, or the third name of a minor scale
예) 도•레•미•파•솔•라•시•도 : do•re•mi•fa•sol•ra•si•ti
14. a suffix means ""picture"" and ""plot"" attached to the back of some nouns
예) 산수도 : la andscape picture
설계도 : a design picture
평면도 : a plane picture
1) used to encompass or enumerate two or more things (facts). it has a meaning of “and”, “also”, “too”
예) 너도 나도 다 가자 : Let's all go, too.
노래도 잘하지만 춤도 잘 춘다 : I'm good at singing, but I'm good at dancing
돈도 명예도 다 싫다 : I hate money, power and honor.
2) Used to enumerate the opposite things (facts) side by side. It's usually used as the shape of '~도 ~도'》
예) 크지도 작지도 않고 딱 좋다 : It's not big, it's not small, it's perfect.
더도 덜도 말고 한가위[추석]만 같아라 : No more and no less, just like Autumn eve[Harvest moon festival]
3) To anticipate a criterion and indicate 'more or less'
예) 그 사람은 집도 없소 : He doesn't even have a house.
관람객이 천 명도 더 왔다 갔다 : A thousand more visitors came and went
4) To indicate a similar fact as in other cases
예) 오늘도 몹시 춥구나 : It's also freezing today
이 극장도 만원일세 : This theater is full as in another
5) indicate a sign of concession/a concession/compromise
예) 밥이 없으면 죽이라도 좋소 : If you don't have rice, i can eat even water gruel
딸도 귀엽기만 합디다 : My daughter is cute, too
6) To use as an accent/intensification or an exclamation
예) 아이고, 싱겁기도 해라 : Oh, you are very insipid
오늘 밤은 달도 밝구나 : The moon is very bright tonight
2. Prefix means a 'boss/master' attached to a noun that indicates a rank or position.
예) 도편수 : a master builder
도사공 : a master potter
3. a noun indicates one of korean local administrative areas. It governs the city and county, etc.
4. a suffix
1) means the year that is attached to the back of most nouns or nouns that represent the year.
예) 내년도 : next year
88년도 : in 1988
2) The degree to which some nouns are attached is 'quantity'.
예) 안전도 : degree of safety
지명도 : degree of celebrity
5. a noun
1) If only one of the four mates is allowed to go down by throwing a pair of chopsticks. [The horse is only getting one field better.]
2) The first seat on the board in chopstick game. [Between a field and a dog]
6. a suffix means 'island' that attaches to some nouns that represent a geographical name.
예) 완도 : wan island
울릉도 : wooleong island
강화도 : ganghwa island
무인도 : a desert island; an uninhabited island
7. a noun
1) A measuring tools for measuring the length of an object. A word for all kinds of '자’(a ruler, a measure)
2) degree, precision, limits
예) 도가 지나친 행동 : overstepping behavior
8. a dependent noun
1) unit of angle
예) 90분의 1이 1도 : 90th of a right angle is 1 degree
2) unit of temperature
예) 섭씨 100도 : cesius 100
화씨 25도 : Fahrenheit 25
3) the unit of longitude and latitude of the earth
예) 북위 38도 : 38th parallel north
동경 122도 : 122nd meridian east
서경 100도 : 100th meridian west
4) A unit that counts the number of things
예) 4도 인쇄 : a four-degree printing
5) A unit that represents the strength of one's eyesight or glasses
예) 1.2도의 시력 : 1.2° vision
6) A unit of sound
9. a suffix attached to some Chinese words, it means 'the group' or 'the person attached there'
예) 법학도 : a law student, a jurist
의학도 : a doctor[medical] student
10. a noun “도” is contracted from “도형”(penal servitude)
11. a noun
1) the right thing to do
2) A religious root meaning, or a profound realization
예) 도를 깨닫다 : realize one's virtue
3) a method of art, martial arts, and defense
12. a suffix attached to the back of some nouns representing the province, it means one of the administrative districts.
예) 경기도 : Gyeonhgi province
강원도 : Gangwon province
13. a noun indicates the first note of a major scale, or the third name of a minor scale
예) 도•레•미•파•솔•라•시•도 : do•re•mi•fa•sol•ra•si•ti
14. a suffix means ""picture"" and ""plot"" attached to the back of some nouns
예) 산수도 : la andscape picture
설계도 : a design picture
평면도 : a plane picture
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