
Let's learn about "오늘 수업 없대"

<A student> 오늘 수업 없대. 선생님들이 파업에 들어 가셨대. there are no classes today. theachers are on stike.

<B student> 어디서 들었어 ? how did you find out ?

<A student> 게시판에 붙어 있던 걸 !. it is posted on tge bulletin board !

어디서 들었어/들었니/들었냐/들었어요/들었습니까 ?
1) how did you find out ?
2) where did youd hear that ?
3) where did you get the information ?
4) who told you ?
5) who did you hear from ?
6) who is telling you all this ?

오늘 : today
수업 : (1) pursuit of knowledge; study; taking lessons (2) teaching; instruction (3) school; a class; (school) lessons <— 수(study; cultivate) + 업(work)

* 수업하다 : pursue knowledge; study; get one's education[training]

* 수업 연한 years required for graduation <— 수업 + 년,연(year) + 한(limit)

* 과외 수업 : a special class / an extra lesson <— 과외(extra, special) + 수업

* 야간 수업 :  night classes <— 야간(night) + 수업

* 수업 중에 :during a class / in the middle of a class
<— 수업 + 중에(in the middle of)

* 수업이 끝난 뒤에 : after school (is over) <— 수업 + 이(a suffix makes a word subjective) + 끝(end) + 나다(come out, spring up; come into being) + ㄴ(a suffix makes state of completion) + 뒤에(after,behind)

* 수업을 끝내다 : dismiss a class <— 수업 + 를, 을(a suffix makes a word objective) + 끝 + 내다(accomplish, achieve; put forth; emit)

* 끝나다 : finish, end
* 끝내다 : put an end to

* 수업을 빼먹다 dodge[skip / cut] a lesson <— 수업 + 를,을(a suffix makes a word objective) + 빼먹다(omit)

* 빼먹다 : (1) [=빠뜨리다]omit; leave out; miss out; look over (2) miss one's lessons; cut a class; play truant from school; cut a lecture (3) pilfer ; steal; filch <— 빼다(take out) + 먹다(eat; embezzle)

* 빼다 : take[put] out; get out; draw[pull / pluck] out; extract; draw off[pump out] ; drain off[away

* 먹다 : (1) eat/have/take (food); drink (2) pocket; embezzle; appropriate (to oneself) (3) grow (older); get on[up] in years (4) be affected by (the summer heat) / suffer from (hot weather)

* 수업에 들어가다 : (a teacher) go to one's class / teach / meet the class. (a student) attend school
<— 수업 + 에(a place suffix)

* 학생들은 수업 중입니다 : The boys are now at school[in class] <— 학생(student) + 들(a plural suffix) + 는,은(a suffix makes. word subjective) + 수업 + 중(in the middle of) + 이다(be) + ㅂ니다(a suffix makes a little respect)

* 내일은 수업이 없다 : We have no school[classes] tomorrow <— 내일(tomorrow, 래,내(come) + 일(day)) + 은(a intensifying suffix) + 수업 + 이(a suffix makes a word subjective) + 없다(not exist, there is none)

* 수업은 몇 시에 시작됩니까 : What time does school begin? <— 수업 + 은(a suffix makes a word sibjective) + 몇(what, how) + 시(time) + 에(a time suffix) + 시작(start, begin) + 되다(become) + ㅂ니까(a question suffix has a little respect)

* 수업 중에 잡담 금지 : No talking in class <— 수업 + 중(in the middle of) + 에(a time suffix) + 잡(full of bustle) + 담(word, strory, conversation) + 금지(inhibition; embargo)

* 수업하다 teach; instruct; give lessons[classes]

* 완전히 영어로 수업하다 : conduct a class entirely in English <- 완전히(entirely) + 영어(english) + 로(by using) + 수업하다

* 수업료 : tuition (fees); school[college] fees <- 수업 + 료,요(fee; fares)

* 수업료가 없는 학교 : a free school <— 수업료 + 가(a suffix makes a word subjective) + 없는(without) + 학교(schoold)

* 수업료 없이[수업료 월 5만 원으로] 가르치다 : teach a person without charging anything[for fifty thousand won a month] <— 수업료 + 없이(without) 가르치다(teach), 월(a month) + 5 + 만(10,000) + 원(korean money unit) +으로(by using)

* 가르키다 : (1) indicate (2) 가르치다(teach)

* 수업 시간 : school hours; one's teaching hours[load] (by teacher) <— 수업 + 시간(time)

* 수업 일수 : the number of school days <— 수업 + 일(day) + 수(number)

* 수 : [1] [v] repair; mend [2] [v] adorn; decorate [3] [v] construct; build [4] long; slender [5] [v] prune; cut; sharpen; trim [6] [v] study; cultivate [7] [v] write; compile; edit

* 업 : [1] [n] profession; business; trade; work; occupation; vocation; calling [2] estate; property [3] already

선생님들이 : teacher, tutor <— 선(before) + 생(life, live) + 님(a suffix has honorific meaning) + 들(a plural suffix) + 이(a suffix makes a word subjective)

파업 중이대 : be on strike <- 파업(strike) + 중(in the middle of) + 이대(a suffix notify some news
to others)

파업에 들어가다 : be on strike <— 파업 + 에(a place suffix) + 들어가다(enter into)

파업에 들어가셨대 : 파업에 들어가다 + ㅆ(a suffix makes a verb past tense) + 였(a suffix makes a verb past tense) + 대(a suffix notify some news to others)

게시판에 : on the bulletin board <— 게시(notification) + 판(board) + 에(a place suffix)

붙다 : stick to, cling ; cleave
붙어 있다 : being sticking to
붙어 있었대 : 붙어 있다 + 었(a suffix makes a verb past tense) + 대(a suffix notify some news to others)

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