
Let's learn about "어젯밤 소식들었어?"

<today’s dialogue>

<A person> 어젯밤 소식들었어요 ? did you hear about the accident last night

<B person> 네, 오늘 아침 신문 1면에 실렸던데요.
1) Yea, it was the headline in the news this morning
2) it was in the headlines
3) it was on the front cover of the newspaper/ magazine.

<A person> 인명 피해가 컸대요. so many lives were lost.

<explanations on the dialogue>

어젯밤 : last night <— 어제(yesterday) + ㅅ(a letter inserted for easy pronunciation) + 밤(night)

소식 : (1) tidings, news, message <— 소(disapper, vanish; need) + 식(rest, cease, end) (2) light eating, meatless meal (3) vegetable food <— 소(small, light) + 식(eat)

듣다 : hear
들었어, 들었어요 ? : did you hear ? <— 듣다(“ㄷ” changed into “ㄹ” before “었”) + 었(a suffix makes a verb past tense) + 어(a question suffix) + 요(a winsome suffix)
네 : say yes when we answer with positive opinion
오늘 : today
아침 : morning
신문 : newspaper <— 신(new) + 문(paper)
1면에 : the headline on the newspaper <— 1면(first page, first side, first surface) + 에(a place suffix)

싣다 : (1) load (up) with ; carry; freight; put on board; have[take] on board; take in, take on; ship ; pack (2) publish in ; carry; record; put on record; put[place]; enter; print; insert; mention (3) impound[collect / store] (water)

실리다 : (1) be reported; be recorded; be mentioned; be printed; be given; be put on (2) loaded (up); be put on board; be freighted (3) [=싣게 하다] get loaded; have load (up) ; let be put on board[be stowed aboard].

실려가다 : be carried[taken] away / be carted away

실렸다 : past tense of 실리다 <— 실리다 + 었,았(a suffix makes a verb past tense) + 다(a verb ending suffix)
실렸던데요 : i say to someone what i (had) read on the newspaper/magazine about something/someone <— 실렸다 + 던데요(a suffix expresses my idea or opinion that i can’t believe firmly)

인명 : (1) human’s life (2) person’s name

* 인명 구조 : lifesaving; the saving of a life <— 인명 + 구조(saving) <— 인(human being) + 명(life; name)

피해 : damage, harm, injury, casualties <— 피(encounter, suffer, come upon) + 해(harm, damage, injury, casualities)

인명 피해가 크다 : so many lives are lost <— 인명 피래 + 가(a suffix makes a word subjective) + 크다(large)
인명 피해가 적다 : few lives are lost <— 인명 피해 + 가 + 적다(small)

컸대요 : i say they were so many <— 크다 + 었(a suffix makes a verb past tense) + 대요(a suffix expresses my idea or opinion that i can’t believe firmly)

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