
Let's learn about the explanation and usage of “예”

<Explanation and Usage of “예”>

1. [감탄사(exclamation)]

1) this answer with honourific manner.

【예】 예, 그렇습니다. Yes, i think so

2) this indicates a honourific question

【예】 예, 안 가시겠다고요? Yes, you are not going ?

3) this is attached to last of a sentenvce, confirm or urge to do with request or persuasion

【예】 잘되도록 해 주세요, 예? Make sure it works out, will you?
       부탁드렸던 일, 꼭 되겠지요, 예/네 ? What I asked you to do will work out, right?

2. [명사(noun)] once upon a time; long long ago like “예나” or “예부터”

【예】 예부터 전해지는 이야기. a story that has been told long long ago.
       예나 지금이나 변한 게 하나도 없다. Nothing has changed since then.

3. [예:禮] [명사(noun)]

1) a certain form to be observed as a norm of daily life for the sake of a smooth human relationship

【예】 어른에게는 예를 갖추어 대해야 한다. Adults should be treated with respect.

2) a short form of “예법[禮法]”
* 예법 : etiquette; manners; courtesy; decorum(s); propriety.

4. [대명사(pronoun)] a short form of “여기”(here)

【예】 예가 어딥니까? 여기가 어디예요? Can you tell me where I am?

5. [예ː例] [명사(noun)] this means “an example”

1) a short form of “전례[前例]”(precedent; antecedent)

2) [=보기. 본보기] an example; an instance; a case; an illustration.

【예】 예를 들어 설명해 보세요. Explain, for example.

3) as usual: mainly used like ‘예의’

【예】 예의 그 다방으로 오너라. As usual come to that tea room.

6. [감탄사(exclamation)] this indicates a harsh reproach; this is equal to “예기” or “예끼”

【예】 예, 이놈(아)! You son of a bitch.

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