“에” is most frequently used a suffix or a postposition like “at, on, in” in english.
1. “에” is used as an exclamation like as followings:
1) a self-proclaimed voice when it's not right for one's heart
【예】 에, 속상해. Oh, I'm upset.
2) a slight rejection or utterance of a word
【예】 에, 그만두겠어. Oh, I'm quitting.
3) The sound of the words you make when you try to get rid of your thoughts.
【예】 에, 잊어버리자. Oh, let's forget.
4) a reproachful remark
【예】 에, 그러면 안 되지. Oh, you can't do that.
5) A utterance when you think of something or feel in your memory.
【예】 에, 그게 누구더라? Oh, who was that?
6) a slurred sound when in a good mood
【예】 에, 시원하다. Oh, It's cool.
7) The sound of the words you make when you're talking and you're not getting any remarks.
【예】 그래서 나는, 에, 이렇게 제의하려고 합니다. So I'm going to, uh, suggest this.
2. “에” is frequently used as a postposition like as followings:
1) adverbial postposition
㉠ Indicates spatial and temporal position
【예】 동생은 집에 있어요. My brother[sister] is at home.
3시에 오게. come here at 3 o’clock.
㉡ indicates where the action is headed.
【예】 도서관에 가자. 도서관으로 갑시다. Let's go to the library.
㉢ indicate the cause of action.
【예】 그녀는 총소리에 몹시 놀랐다. She was very surprised at the sound of the gun.
㉣ indicate the reference point of an act or discipline.
【예】 예의에 벗어나는 행동은 하지 마시길 바랍니다. Please don't act out of decency.
㉤ Indicates where an action or exercise object reaches.
【예】 흙이 나 옷에 잔뜩 묻었다. My clothes are covered with dirt.
포탄이 적진에 우수수 떨어지고 있었다. The shells were dropping on the enemy's position.
2) A connection postposition that indicates the meaning of enumerating several
【예】 오늘 점심 때는 다이어트를 위해서 과일에 음료수만 먹었다. I only ate a drink of fruit for a diet today.
3) a short form of “에다가”(to; in; on; at; for; and)
【예】 저녁식사는 국에 밥을 말아 먹었다. I rolled rice into soup for dinner.
1. “에” is used as an exclamation like as followings:
1) a self-proclaimed voice when it's not right for one's heart
【예】 에, 속상해. Oh, I'm upset.
2) a slight rejection or utterance of a word
【예】 에, 그만두겠어. Oh, I'm quitting.
3) The sound of the words you make when you try to get rid of your thoughts.
【예】 에, 잊어버리자. Oh, let's forget.
4) a reproachful remark
【예】 에, 그러면 안 되지. Oh, you can't do that.
5) A utterance when you think of something or feel in your memory.
【예】 에, 그게 누구더라? Oh, who was that?
6) a slurred sound when in a good mood
【예】 에, 시원하다. Oh, It's cool.
7) The sound of the words you make when you're talking and you're not getting any remarks.
【예】 그래서 나는, 에, 이렇게 제의하려고 합니다. So I'm going to, uh, suggest this.
2. “에” is frequently used as a postposition like as followings:
1) adverbial postposition
㉠ Indicates spatial and temporal position
【예】 동생은 집에 있어요. My brother[sister] is at home.
3시에 오게. come here at 3 o’clock.
㉡ indicates where the action is headed.
【예】 도서관에 가자. 도서관으로 갑시다. Let's go to the library.
㉢ indicate the cause of action.
【예】 그녀는 총소리에 몹시 놀랐다. She was very surprised at the sound of the gun.
㉣ indicate the reference point of an act or discipline.
【예】 예의에 벗어나는 행동은 하지 마시길 바랍니다. Please don't act out of decency.
㉤ Indicates where an action or exercise object reaches.
【예】 흙이 나 옷에 잔뜩 묻었다. My clothes are covered with dirt.
포탄이 적진에 우수수 떨어지고 있었다. The shells were dropping on the enemy's position.
2) A connection postposition that indicates the meaning of enumerating several
【예】 오늘 점심 때는 다이어트를 위해서 과일에 음료수만 먹었다. I only ate a drink of fruit for a diet today.
3) a short form of “에다가”(to; in; on; at; for; and)
【예】 저녁식사는 국에 밥을 말아 먹었다. I rolled rice into soup for dinner.
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