<Explanation and Usage of “-지” #1>
1. [접미사(a suffix)]《일부 명사 뒤에 붙어(attached to some nouns》
1) 그러한 ‘곳’임을 나타냄. : this indicates where there is some thing.
【예】 본적지[本籍地] : a place where one is born in; one's legal domicile.
원적지[原籍地] : the place of one's domicile; the domicile of origin.
소재지[所在地] : A place where there is a building or institution, etc
목적지[目的地] : one's destination; the end of one's journey; the goal.
* 본적[本籍] : one's legal residence; one's permanent domicile.
* 원적[原籍] a domicile; an original domicile; a permanent abode.
* 도청 소재지[道廳 所在地] : the building of a province.
* 너 도쿄 타워 본적 없지? : You have seen Tokyo Tower, haven't you?
* 그 식당에서 먹어 본적 있어요? : Have you eaten at that restaurant?
2) 그 옷의 ‘감’임을 나타냄. : this indicates the cloth of a clothes[dress].
【예】 양복지[洋服地] : [=양복감(洋服감), 복지(服地)] the cloth of a suit; suiting * this should be pronounced as “양복찌”.
코트지, 코드감 : the cloth of a coat; coating
2. [의존명사(a dependent noun)]《받침 ‘ㄴ’ 뒤에 쓰이어》 어떤 동작이 있었던 ‘그때로부터’의 뜻을 나타내는 말. : this is attached to last “ㄴ” of a word. this indicates “since an action is done”.
【예】 그곳을 떠난 지 10년이 지났다. : It's been 10 years since I left there.
그가 죽은 지 이미 오래다. : It's been a long time since he died.
<Explanation and Usage of “-지” #2>
3. [명사(a noun)] ‘김치’의 방언. : the dialect of “김치”(kimchi).
4. [조사(a postposition)] 모음으로 끝난 체언에 붙는 서술격 조사. : a postposition is attached to last vowel of a word.
1) [연결형 서술격 조사(a connetion descriptive postposition)]
서로 다른 두 가지 사실을 견주되, 앞에 나온 사실을 시인하는 뜻을 나타냄. : this indiicate that “to compare two different facts, but to admit the preceding facts”
【예】 수박이 채소지 과일이냐. : A watermelon is a vegetable or a fruit.
2) [종결형 서술격 조사(a ending descriptive postposition)]
㉠ 어떤 사실을 약간의 느낌을 담아 베풀어 말하는 뜻을 나타냄. : this indicates that “to express a fact with a hint of emotion”
【예】 겨울밤에 먹는 동치미 맛은 참 별미지. : The taste of dongchimi in winter night is really delicious.
㉡ 묻는 뜻을 나타냄. : this indicates that “to ask about something or somebody”
【예】 (1) 아까 전화한 사람이 누구지? : Who the hell was the person called earlier?
5. [지:識(knowledge)] [명사(a noun)] 글을 쓰고 나서 아무개가 ‘적음’의 뜻을 나타내는 말. : this indicates that “after writing, an author attaches “written” word to one’s tittle or name. this rarely used these days.
【예】 저자[著者] 지[識] : An author written.
<Explanation and Usage of “-지” #3>
6. [명사(a noun)] 관악기에 딸린 저의 한 가지. 오래 묵은 대통에 다섯 구멍을 뚫어서 만듦. : One of the ""Korean flute/fife"" belonging to a orchestral instrument. Created by drilling five holes in an old bowl (a bamboo tube)
7. [지:誌] [접미사(suffix)] 《일부 명사 뒤에 붙어》 : this is often attached to some nouns.
1) 정기 간행물[定期 刊行物]’임을 나타냄. : this indicates regular publication.
【예】 기관지[機關紙] : an organ; a bulletin. (esp, government)
월간지[月刊紙] : [=월간 간행물: 月刊 刊行物] monthly publication.
2) 그러한 내용의 ‘기록물’임을 나타냄. this indicates that a publication about something like museum, hometown, etc.
【예】 박물지[博物紙] : a publication about a museum.
향토지[鄕土紙] : a publication about one’s hometown.
8. [명사(a noun)] ‘요강•야호(夜壺).’의 궁중말. this is used in dynasty palace. this means “a dish of pissing in the room”
9. [어말 어미(an ending suffix)]
1) 용언 어간 뒤에 붙는 연결 어미. : a connection suffix is attached to the root stem of a word
㉠ 《주로 ‘아니하다’·‘못하다’·‘말다’ 등과 어울려》 앞의 내용을 부정하는 뜻을 나타냄. : this negates the before-sentence with “아니하다”(don’t do), “못하다”(don’t do), “말다”(stop)
【예】 좋지 않다. : it’s not good
먹지 못하다. : doesn’t eat
㉡ 서로 다른 두 가지 사실을 견주되, 앞말을 시인하는 뜻을 나타냄. 《시제의 ‘-았/었-’·‘-겠-’ 뒤에서도 쓰임.》 : this means that “to compare two different facts, but to admit the foreword”. this is after “-았/었-“(a suffix makes a verb past tense) of “-겠-“(a suffix means a guess).
【예】 바람만 불지 비는 안 온다. : It's windy, but it doesn’t rains.
그만하면 됐지 뭘 더 바라나. : That's enough. What do you want more?
2) 용언 어간에 붙는 하게체의 종결 어미. : an imperative ending suffix is attached to the root stem of a word.
㉠ 앞의 내용을 강조하는 뜻을 나타냄. 《시제의 ‘-았(었)-’·‘-겠-’ 뒤에서도 쓰임.》 : this indicates the emphasis on the preceding content. this is after “-았/었-“(a suffix makes a verb past tense) of “-겠-“(a suffix means a guess).
【예】 하늘을 보아야 별을 따지. : You'll pick the stars when you look at the sky. this means “I’m gonna have to meet a girl, get in a relationship or not.”
보면 알겠지. : If you see, then you understand.
㉡ 그렇게 하기를 권하거나 시키는 뜻을 나타냄. : this indicates a teller’s persuasion or command.
【예】 이제 일어나지. : Now get up
자네도 같이 먹지. (높임말)-지요. : You can eat it with me. its honourific ending suffix is “-지요”
㉢ 묻는 뜻을 나타냄. : this indicates a question to an listener.
【예】 언제 가지? : When should we go?
밖은 춥지? : It's cold outside, isn't it?
<Explanation and Usage of “-지” #4>
10. [지:紙(newspaper), paper] [접미사(suffix)]《일부 명사 뒤에 붙어》 : this is attached to some nouns.
1) ‘종이’의 뜻을 나타냄. : this means “paper”
【예】 원고지[原稿紙] : this is a short form of “원고용지[原稿用紙]. paper of a certain size for writing manuscripts.
포장지[包裝紙] : wrapping paper
창호지[窓戶紙] : 한지(韓紙)의 한 가지로, 문에 바르는 종이. (A piece of hanji, a piece of paper that is applied to the door.)
편지지ㅂ便紙紙] : 편지를 쓰는 종이. 서한지(Paper to write a letter.)
2) ‘신문’의 뜻을 나타냄. : this means “newspaper”
【예】 일간지[日刊紙] : daily newspaper
주간지[週刊誌] : weekly newspaper
<Usage of “-지”>
1) 벌써 우리가 만난 지 4년 이에요. 시간이 참 빠른 것 같아요. : It's already been 4 years since we met. How time flies.
2) 메리어트 호텔에 어떻게 가는 지 알아요? : Do you know how to get to the Marriott Hotel?
1. [접미사(a suffix)]《일부 명사 뒤에 붙어(attached to some nouns》
1) 그러한 ‘곳’임을 나타냄. : this indicates where there is some thing.
【예】 본적지[本籍地] : a place where one is born in; one's legal domicile.
원적지[原籍地] : the place of one's domicile; the domicile of origin.
소재지[所在地] : A place where there is a building or institution, etc
목적지[目的地] : one's destination; the end of one's journey; the goal.
* 본적[本籍] : one's legal residence; one's permanent domicile.
* 원적[原籍] a domicile; an original domicile; a permanent abode.
* 도청 소재지[道廳 所在地] : the building of a province.
* 너 도쿄 타워 본적 없지? : You have seen Tokyo Tower, haven't you?
* 그 식당에서 먹어 본적 있어요? : Have you eaten at that restaurant?
2) 그 옷의 ‘감’임을 나타냄. : this indicates the cloth of a clothes[dress].
【예】 양복지[洋服地] : [=양복감(洋服감), 복지(服地)] the cloth of a suit; suiting * this should be pronounced as “양복찌”.
코트지, 코드감 : the cloth of a coat; coating
2. [의존명사(a dependent noun)]《받침 ‘ㄴ’ 뒤에 쓰이어》 어떤 동작이 있었던 ‘그때로부터’의 뜻을 나타내는 말. : this is attached to last “ㄴ” of a word. this indicates “since an action is done”.
【예】 그곳을 떠난 지 10년이 지났다. : It's been 10 years since I left there.
그가 죽은 지 이미 오래다. : It's been a long time since he died.
<Explanation and Usage of “-지” #2>
3. [명사(a noun)] ‘김치’의 방언. : the dialect of “김치”(kimchi).
4. [조사(a postposition)] 모음으로 끝난 체언에 붙는 서술격 조사. : a postposition is attached to last vowel of a word.
1) [연결형 서술격 조사(a connetion descriptive postposition)]
서로 다른 두 가지 사실을 견주되, 앞에 나온 사실을 시인하는 뜻을 나타냄. : this indiicate that “to compare two different facts, but to admit the preceding facts”
【예】 수박이 채소지 과일이냐. : A watermelon is a vegetable or a fruit.
2) [종결형 서술격 조사(a ending descriptive postposition)]
㉠ 어떤 사실을 약간의 느낌을 담아 베풀어 말하는 뜻을 나타냄. : this indicates that “to express a fact with a hint of emotion”
【예】 겨울밤에 먹는 동치미 맛은 참 별미지. : The taste of dongchimi in winter night is really delicious.
㉡ 묻는 뜻을 나타냄. : this indicates that “to ask about something or somebody”
【예】 (1) 아까 전화한 사람이 누구지? : Who the hell was the person called earlier?
5. [지:識(knowledge)] [명사(a noun)] 글을 쓰고 나서 아무개가 ‘적음’의 뜻을 나타내는 말. : this indicates that “after writing, an author attaches “written” word to one’s tittle or name. this rarely used these days.
【예】 저자[著者] 지[識] : An author written.
<Explanation and Usage of “-지” #3>
6. [명사(a noun)] 관악기에 딸린 저의 한 가지. 오래 묵은 대통에 다섯 구멍을 뚫어서 만듦. : One of the ""Korean flute/fife"" belonging to a orchestral instrument. Created by drilling five holes in an old bowl (a bamboo tube)
7. [지:誌] [접미사(suffix)] 《일부 명사 뒤에 붙어》 : this is often attached to some nouns.
1) 정기 간행물[定期 刊行物]’임을 나타냄. : this indicates regular publication.
【예】 기관지[機關紙] : an organ; a bulletin. (esp, government)
월간지[月刊紙] : [=월간 간행물: 月刊 刊行物] monthly publication.
2) 그러한 내용의 ‘기록물’임을 나타냄. this indicates that a publication about something like museum, hometown, etc.
【예】 박물지[博物紙] : a publication about a museum.
향토지[鄕土紙] : a publication about one’s hometown.
8. [명사(a noun)] ‘요강•야호(夜壺).’의 궁중말. this is used in dynasty palace. this means “a dish of pissing in the room”
9. [어말 어미(an ending suffix)]
1) 용언 어간 뒤에 붙는 연결 어미. : a connection suffix is attached to the root stem of a word
㉠ 《주로 ‘아니하다’·‘못하다’·‘말다’ 등과 어울려》 앞의 내용을 부정하는 뜻을 나타냄. : this negates the before-sentence with “아니하다”(don’t do), “못하다”(don’t do), “말다”(stop)
【예】 좋지 않다. : it’s not good
먹지 못하다. : doesn’t eat
㉡ 서로 다른 두 가지 사실을 견주되, 앞말을 시인하는 뜻을 나타냄. 《시제의 ‘-았/었-’·‘-겠-’ 뒤에서도 쓰임.》 : this means that “to compare two different facts, but to admit the foreword”. this is after “-았/었-“(a suffix makes a verb past tense) of “-겠-“(a suffix means a guess).
【예】 바람만 불지 비는 안 온다. : It's windy, but it doesn’t rains.
그만하면 됐지 뭘 더 바라나. : That's enough. What do you want more?
2) 용언 어간에 붙는 하게체의 종결 어미. : an imperative ending suffix is attached to the root stem of a word.
㉠ 앞의 내용을 강조하는 뜻을 나타냄. 《시제의 ‘-았(었)-’·‘-겠-’ 뒤에서도 쓰임.》 : this indicates the emphasis on the preceding content. this is after “-았/었-“(a suffix makes a verb past tense) of “-겠-“(a suffix means a guess).
【예】 하늘을 보아야 별을 따지. : You'll pick the stars when you look at the sky. this means “I’m gonna have to meet a girl, get in a relationship or not.”
보면 알겠지. : If you see, then you understand.
㉡ 그렇게 하기를 권하거나 시키는 뜻을 나타냄. : this indicates a teller’s persuasion or command.
【예】 이제 일어나지. : Now get up
자네도 같이 먹지. (높임말)-지요. : You can eat it with me. its honourific ending suffix is “-지요”
㉢ 묻는 뜻을 나타냄. : this indicates a question to an listener.
【예】 언제 가지? : When should we go?
밖은 춥지? : It's cold outside, isn't it?
<Explanation and Usage of “-지” #4>
10. [지:紙(newspaper), paper] [접미사(suffix)]《일부 명사 뒤에 붙어》 : this is attached to some nouns.
1) ‘종이’의 뜻을 나타냄. : this means “paper”
【예】 원고지[原稿紙] : this is a short form of “원고용지[原稿用紙]. paper of a certain size for writing manuscripts.
포장지[包裝紙] : wrapping paper
창호지[窓戶紙] : 한지(韓紙)의 한 가지로, 문에 바르는 종이. (A piece of hanji, a piece of paper that is applied to the door.)
편지지ㅂ便紙紙] : 편지를 쓰는 종이. 서한지(Paper to write a letter.)
2) ‘신문’의 뜻을 나타냄. : this means “newspaper”
【예】 일간지[日刊紙] : daily newspaper
주간지[週刊誌] : weekly newspaper
<Usage of “-지”>
1) 벌써 우리가 만난 지 4년 이에요. 시간이 참 빠른 것 같아요. : It's already been 4 years since we met. How time flies.
2) 메리어트 호텔에 어떻게 가는 지 알아요? : Do you know how to get to the Marriott Hotel?
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