
Let's learn about the explanation and usage of “그렇다”

<Adjective> it means “be such” is a short form of “그러하다”. and is equal to “그러니” and “그래”. it is pronounced as “그러타”

【예(ex)】 처음에는 그럴 생각이 아니었다. : At first, I didn't mean to.

<The detail explanation from Korean Dictionary>

[=그러하다] so; such; like that; that way; [대답(answer)] Yes; No; That's right.

(1) 바로 그렇다 : be just[quite / exactly / precisely] so / be just like that

(2) 그렇다고 대답하다[말하다] : answer[say] yes / answer in the affirmative / affirm.

(3) 그렇다고는 하나 : nevertheless / but / however / be that as it may.

(4) 그렇습니까 Yes? / Is that so? / Really? / You don't say so?

(5) 그렇습니다 : You are right. / That's right[so]. / That's what it is! / So it is.

(6) 그렇지 않아도 서투른 글씨가 서둘러 써서 더 알아보기 힘들다 : Haste made my normally poor handwriting even harder to read.

(7) 그렇지 않아도 성미가 급한데 그는 요즘 더위 때문에 형편없이 화를 낸다 : Always short-tempered, he is now hopelessly irritable because of the heat.

(8) 나는 확실히 그렇다고 생각해 : I feel certain about it.

(9) 그렇고 말고 : Indeed!; of course!; Certainly!; So it is.; Quite so.; Indeed it is.; That's it.  Sure!

▣ 속담/관용구(proverb/idiom)▣

그렇게 하면 뒷간에 옻칠을 하나 : 그렇게 하면 뒷간에까지 값비싼 옻칠을 하고 살겠느냐는 뜻으로, 매우 인색하게 굴면서 재물을 모으는 사람을 비꼬는 말
If you do that, you'll have to paint the back[Toilet behind a house] : a word indicates that very stingy and sarcastic to a man who collects wealth

▣ 속담/관용구(proverb/idiom) ▣

그렇고 말고 : 상대편의 말이나 물음에 옳다고 여기거나 그렇다고 인정하는 말.
Of couse : a word indicates that the words or questions of the other party is right.

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