1. After you’ve thought long and hard about something you can say like these :
* “생각” can be exchanged by "고민” or “심사숙고” in the following sentences.
* If you responds to a special suggestion, the word "고려” can be used instead of “생각”.
1) Without honorific to the younger
- (내가/나는) 나름 많이 생각했다.
- (내가/나는) 나름 많이 생각했어. (very often)
- (내가/나는) 나름 많이 생각했네.
- (내가/나는) 나름 많이 생각했다네~ (a little cynically)
- (내가/나는) 나름 많이 생각했거든~ (a little cynically)
- (내가/나는) 나름대로 많이 생각했다.
- (내가/나는) 나름대로 많이 생각했어. (very very often)
- (내가/나는) 나름대로 많이 생각했네.
- (내가/나는) 나름대로 많이 생각했다네~ (a little cynically)
- (내가/나는) 나름대로 많이 생각했거든~ (a little cynically)
2) With a little honorific regardless of age
- (제가) 나름 많이 생각했어요. (very very often)
- (제가) 나름 많이 생각했네요~ (a little cynically)
- (제가) 나름 많이 생각했거든요~ (a little cynically)
- (제가) 나름대로 많이 생각했어요. (very very often)
- (제가) 나름대로 많이 생각했네요~ (a little cynically)
- (제가) 나름대로 많이 생각했거든요~ (a little cynically)
3) With honorific to the very elder
- (제가) 나름 많이 생각했습니다. (often)
- (제가) 나름대로 많이 생각했습니다. (verh very often)
2. The above can be translated like these :
- I’ve given it a lot of thought.
- I’ve thought about it a lot.
- I thought about it a lot.
- I thought long and hard about it.
- I spent the whole night chewing the matter over.
- I consider all the options. (모든 가능성에 대해 심사숙고 했어요)
3. Dialogue of the above
<A person> 나름대로 많이 생각했어요. 원래 하려고 한데로 할 거예요. I’ve given it a lot of thought. I’m going to stick to the original plan.
<B person> 네가 실수하질 않길 바란다. I hope you’re not making a mistake.
4. Explanation of the above
▷ 생각 : thinking, thought, idea, concept
▷ 고민[苦悶] : agony; anguish; worry; trouble; affliction
▷ 심사숙고[深思熟考] : meditation; mature[due] consideration; deliberation; rumination; deep thought
▷ 고려[考慮] : consideration; deliberation; reflection; thinking; careful thought
▷ 실수[失手] : [=실책] a blunder; a mistake; a bungle; a mess; a mess-up; [=실패] a failure; [=부주의] carelessness; [=못 보고 빠뜨림] an oversight; [잘못] an error; a fault; a slip; [=무례] impoliteness
▷ 바란다 : hope; want to do
▷ (자기) 나름대로 or 나름 : in one's own way
▷ 많이 : a lot; so much
▷ ~할 거예요 : I’m going to do
▷ -았-, -었-,ㅆ in 했어요, 왔어요, 했습니다 etc : this makes a verb into past tense
5. More detail meanings of the above
▷ 고뇌[苦惱] : gnawing; suffering(s); distress; (an) affliction; anguish; agony; pain
• 고뇌에 찬 표정 : a look of anguish
▷ 심사숙고[深思熟考]하다 : meditate ; contemplate; ruminate ; muse ; consider carefully; give deep thought; be deep in meditation
• 심사숙고[深思熟考](한) 끝에 : after careful[due / mature] consideration / after much[serious] thought
• 심사숙고[深思熟考]하는 deep-thinking / thoughtful / prudent
▷ 나름 : in one's own way; depending on
• 내 나름 : in my own way
• 나름이다 : depend on
▷ 자기[自己] : (1) [=자신] oneself(2) [호칭] (연인을 부를 때) darling, (slng) honey; (너, 당신) you
▷ 생각 has meanings :
(1) [=사고(思考)] thinking; [=사상] (a) thought; ideas (2) =관념·착상] an idea; a notion; a conception; a thought; [=취향] a plan; [=창의] initiative (3) [=의견] an opinion; a view; [=신념] a belief; one's persuasion; [=인상] an impression; [=제안] a suggestion (4) [=의도] an intention; a design; a view; an aim; an idea; a purpose; [=동기] a motive (5) [=사려·분별] discretion; prudence; sense; [=판단] judgment (6) [=고려] consideration; account; [=배려] thought; regard; [=참작] allowance (7) [=숙고] deliberation; consideration; [=사색] (a) thought; [=심사] meditation; [=반성] reconsideration; reflection (8) [=각오] a resolution; [=결심] decision (9) [=기대] expectation(s); hope; [=소망] wish; desire; [=그리움] longing (10) [=상상] imagination; supposition; fancy; (a) guess(추측) (11) [=추억·회상] retrospection; recollection; remembrance (12) [=기분] a feeling
• 생각 좀 해 볼게요 : Let me think about it.
• 좋은 생각 : Good idea.
• 우린 그렇게 생각 안 해요 : We don't believe so
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