
Let's learn about "막"

1. 막 : [=방금] just; just[right] at the moment; just now

- 막 …하려 하다 : be about to / be ready to / be on the point[edge / verge] of
- 막 시작하다 : be going[about] / begin
- 내가 책을 막 읽기 시작하자 그가 들어왔다 : Just as I began[was beginning] to read a book, he came in
- 열차는 막 출발하려 하고 있었다 : The train was about to leave[on the point of leaving]
- 물 속으로 내가 막 가라앉으려 할 때 구조되었다 : I was rescued just as I began to sink into the water
- 우리가 막 떠나려는데 전보가 왔다 : Just as we were leaving, we received the telegram
- 벚꽃은 막 피기 시작했을 뿐이다 : The cherry blossoms have only just begun to bloom
- 내가 막 아침 식사를 하려고 할 때 전화벨이 울렸다 : Just as I was going to have breakfast, the telephone rang. / I was just about to have[I was on the point of having] breakfast, when the telephone rang
- 나는 그것을 지금 막 끝냈다 : I have just finished it. / I finished it just now

2. 막 : [幕] shed; a curtain

1) [=임시로 지은 집] a temporary shed[shelter]; a booth; a shack; a hut; a shed

- 원두막 : a look-out shed
- 막을 짓다 : [=부스를 짓다] put up a booth[shed]

2) [=장막] a curtain; a hanging screen; hanging; [=천막] a tent

- 막을 치다 : stretch a curtain
- 막을 열다 : (위로) raise the curtain / (옆으로) draw the curtain (aside)
- 막을 닫다 : (아래로) drop the curtain / (옆으로) close the curtain
- 막을 올리다[내리다] : raise[lower / let down] a curtain
- 막을 거두다 : fold up a tent
- 막을 옆으로 당기다 : pull[draw] aside a curtain
- 3시에 막이 열린다 : The curtain rises at three o'clock
- 마지막 막이 내렸다 : The curtain fell on the last scene

3) [=연극의 단락] an act

- 단막극 : a one-act play / a play in one act
- 제1막 제2장 : Act I, Scene 2
- 3막 6장의 : in three acts and six scenes
- 제2막이 방금 시작되었다 : The second act has just begun

4) [=끝장] an end; a close; a conclusion

- 전쟁의 막을 내리다 : put an end to the war
- 연극은 슬픈 장면에서 막이 내렸다 : The play ended with a sad scene
- 이것으로 3개월간에 걸친 노동 쟁의가 막을 내렸다 : This ended a labor dispute extending over three months.ㆍ 그 긴 이야기도 마침내 막을 내렸다 : The long story has at last come to an end[been played out]

3. 막 : [膜] [=점막] a membrane; [물갈퀴(a web)] webbing; [=엷은 층(a thin layer)] a film

- 막 모양의 : membran(e)ous / filmy
- 표면에 막이 생겼다 : The surface was covered with a film. / A film has formed on the surface
- 우유를 데웠더니 막이 생겼다 : When I heated the milk, a skin formed on it

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