* 바람 has the following meanings
1) [=공기의 움직임] a wind; (=미풍) a breeze; [=외풍] a draft; a draught; [=돌풍] a blast[gust] (of wind); [=폭풍] a storm; [=외기] air; [선풍기 등] a current
- 부드러운 바람 : a breath of air / a gentle breeze
- 살을 에는 듯한 바람 : a cutting[piercing / biting / nipping] wind
- 얼어붙는 듯한 바람 : a freezing wind
- 바람이 세게 부는[없는] 날 : a windy[windless] day
- 바람이 잘 통하는 방 : an airy[a well-ventilated] room
- 바람이 통하지 않는 방 : an unaired room
- 일진의[한바탕의] 바람 : a blast[gust] of wind / a blas
.- 바람이 불어 가는 쪽에 : on[under] the lee / leeward
- 세게 부는 바람 : a rattling wind
- 바람을 심하게 받는 산허리 : a wind-swept mountainside
- 시원한 바람 : a cool[refreshing] breeze
- 바람이 통하지 않는 : windtight / airtight
- 선풍기 바람을 쐬면서 : in the current of an electric fan
- 방안에 바람을 들이다[통하게 하다] : let some fresh air into a room / admit air into a room / air a room / give a room airing
- 바람이 세다 : blow hard / [장소(a place)] be windy / be wind-swept
- 바람을 안고[거슬러] 나아가다 : walk[sail] against the wind[in the wind's eye / in the teeth of the wind]
- 바람을 등지고 가다 : go before the wind / [돛단배(sailboat)] sail[run] before[with] the wind / have a free wind / square away
- 바람이 들어오지 않도록 하다 : prevent the admission of wind / [=찬바람의 유입을 막다] keep out cold air
- 바람에 나부끼다[펄럭이다] : flutter[flow / flicker / flap / fly] in the wind
- 오토바이를 타고 바람을 가르며 나아가다 : go flying along on a motorcycle
- 바람이 일었다 : A wind has risen[sprung up]
- 바람이 그쳤다 : The wind died away[went down / died down / fell / dropped]
- 밤까지는 바람이 그칠 것이다 : The wind will die down[blow itself out] by night-fall
- 바람이 불고 있다 : The wind is blowing
- 대단한 바람이다 : There is a strong wind (blowing)
- 우리 집은 바람이 불어 가는 쪽에 있었지만, 다행히 화재를 면했다 : Our house lay to the leeward, but luckily it escaped the fire
- 바람이 동쪽으로 방향이 바뀌었다 : The wind has shifted[changed / veered] to the east
- 어느 쪽에서 바람이 불어오고 있느냐 : Which direction is the wind blowing from?
- 바람이 (새어) 들어온다 : I feel a draft. / There is a draft
- 나는 모자를 바람에 날렸다 : My hat was blown off by the wind. / I had my hat blown off
- 삼나무 향기가 바람에 풍겨 왔다 : The aroma of cedar trees wafted in on the breeze
- 불길은 바람을 타고 옆집으로 번졌다 : Fanned by the wind, the fire spread to the next house
- 바람 한 점 없었다 : There was not a breath[stir] of air. / The air was breathless
- 돛이 바람을 안고 있었다 : The sail was filled with the wind[billowed in the wind]. / The sail filled
- 화살은 바람을 가르고 날아갔다 : The arrow flew through the air
- 이 집은 북쪽이 바람을 심하게 받는다 : The wind blows strongly against the north side of this house
- 이 해안은 항상 바람이 심하다 : This coast is always windy
- 창고를 바람에 쐬어야겠다 : The storehouse needs to be aired
2) [=공·타이어 등의 공기] air
- 바람을 넣다 : fill with air / pump up
- 바람을 빼다 : deflate / let the air out of .
3) [=들뜬 마음] inconstancy; fickleness; [=들뜬 행동] an amour
- (너는) 놀러간다고 너 바람 들었구나! : You're excited because you're going to play!
4) [=작은 일을 크게 떠벌림] gas; a big[tall] talk; a shopping lie; hot air
- 바람이 센 친구 = 허풍이 센 친구 : a gasbag / a boaster / a braggart / a blow-hard
- 그는 바람이 세어 믿을 수 없다 = 그는 허풍이 세어 믿을 수 없다 : He talks too big to be trusted
5) [=일시적 유행] (the) fad; (the) fashion; (the) vogue
- 여자들 사이에 미니스커트 바람이 불고 있다 = 여자들 사이에 미니스커트 유행이 불고 있다: Miniskirts are in vogue with girls
6) <비유(metaphorical)>
- 정치 바람 : a political storm
- 재계에 새(로운) 바람을 불어넣다 : send a breath of fresh air through economic circles
- 무슨 바람이 불었는지 그 유명한 구두쇠가 나에게 식사 대접을 했다 : I don't know what got into him, but that notorious cheapskate treated me to a meal
- 이렇게 일찍 일어나다니 무슨 바람이 불었느냐? : Whatever made you get up so early?
- 무슨 바람이 불어 여기까지 왔느냐? : What (stroke of fortune) has brought you here? / What (good) wind has blown you here? / How does it happen that you're here?
• 바람(이) 끼다 : have[feel] an inclination to love[dissipate]; feel like taking to fast living
• 바람(이) 나가다 [공·바퀴 등의 바람이 빠지다] : leak; escape; get[find] vent; be[have gone] flat; [=융성한 기운이 없어지다] grow[become] dull; slacken; wane; become insipid
- 바람(이) 나간 풍선 : a flat[deflated] balloon
- 이 타이어는 바람이 나갔다 : This tire is flat[has gone flat]
• 바람(이) 나다 :
(a) [이성 관계로 마음이 들뜨다] become fickle[flippant / dissipated]; take to fast living; take to amours; have a secret love affair
- 버람난 : fickle / wanton / flirtatious
(b) [=능률이 한창 나다] warm up; get warmed up; get into the swing of ; be the best of form; be up to the mark; hit[strike / get into] one's stride
• 바람(이) 들다 [무 등] : get porous[spongy / full of pores]; [=탈이 생기다] be hindered[impeded / balked]; meet with a setback; go wrong
- 바람든 무 : a porous[spongy] radish
• 바람(을) 맞다 :
(a) [중풍에 걸리다] be stricken[smitten] with paralysis; have a stroke of paralysis
- 그는 바람 맞아 좌반신을 못 쓴다 : He is paralyzed on his left
.(b) [=속다] be fooled[cheated / deceived / swindled]; be taken in
- 그는 나를 바람 맞혔어 : He stood me up
- 난 바람 맞았어 : I was stood up.
(c) [=퇴짜맞다] be rejected[refused / rebuffed]; get[be given] the cold shoulder ; get the mitten; be stood up
- 여자에게 바람(을) 맞은 남자 : a rejected lover[suitor]
- 여자에게 바람(을) 맞다 : be rebuffed[spurned] by a girl
• 바람(을) 맞히다 [퇴짜를 놓다] reject; refuse; snub; give the cold shoulder ; give the gate ; [=헛기다리게 하다] keep a waiting in vain; break[fail to keep] an appointment; stand up
• 바람(을) 쐬다 : [=바람을 몸에 맞다] expose oneself to the wind; [기분전환으로] air oneself; take an airing; take the air
- 찬 바람(을) 쐬다 : expose oneself to the cold wind
• 바람(이) 자다 :
(a) [=바람이 그치다] calm[die / go] down; fall (calm); drop; pass; lull; abate; blow over
- 바람이 차차 잔다 : The wind is abating[slowly dying down]
(b) [=들떴던 마음이 가라앉다] calm down; quiet down; become calm
• 바람(을) 잡다 :
(a) [=마음이 들떠 돌아다니다] indulge in[be given to] dissipation[debauchery]; take up a wild[fast] life; lead a fast[dissolute] life; burn[light] one's candle at both ends
(b) [=허황한 짓을 꾀하다] conceive a wild hope[scheme]; be lost in wild fancies; indulge in woolgathering; spin a daydream
- 바람 잡는 계획 : a wild-goose chase / a chimerical project / a visionary[wildcat] scheme
• 바람(을) 켜다 : take to amours[fast living]; live fast; give oneself up to dissipation; dissipate
• 바람(을) 피우다 : have an affair[a flirtation]; play with love; be an unfaithful wife[husband]; take to amours; have an amour[a secret love affair] ; play the wanton; wanton; be unfaithful in love
- 바람을 피우지 않다 : be faithful[true] to a man[woman]
- 그녀는 남편이 버람을 피워 속이 상해 있다 : She is worried over her husband's fickleness
- 그는 또 바람(을) 피우기 시작했다 : He's started to play around with another woman again
- 그는 절대로 바람을 피우지 않는다 : He is entirely faithful to his wife
7) [=어떤 일에 따른 기세] conjunction; process; result; consequence; outcome; influence; effect; impetus; motive
- 바람에 : in conjunction / in the process of / as a result of / as a consequence of / in consequence of / under the influence of / on account of / owing to / as / due to
- 그 경기는 비가 오는 버람에 연기되었다 : The game was put off on account of rainy weather
- 폭설이 내리는 바람에 기차가 연착했다 : Owing to a heavy snowfall the train was delayed
- 그가 병이 난 바람에 당신을 찾아뵐 수 없었습니다 : I couldn't call on you in consequence of his illness. / As[Since / Because] he was taken ill, I could not call on you. / His illness prevented me from (my) calling on you. / I couldn't call on you because of[on account of] his illness
- 화가 나는 바람에 그랬어 : I did it in a fit of anger
8) [=차림새] outfit, attire
- 셔츠 바람으로 = 셔츠 차림으로 : in one's shirt sleeves / without one's coat on
- 파자마 바람으로 = 파자마 차림으로 : in pajamas only / without one's trousers on
- 그녀는 버선 바람으로 거리로 뛰어나갔다 = 그녀는 버선을 힌은 채로 거리로 뛰어나갔다 : She ran out into the street without her shoes on
9) [=한 발 정도의 길이] the length of an arm-span(=about six feet or two yards)
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