
Let's learn about "터지다"

* 터지다 has the following meanings

* 터졌다 : past tense of 터지다 by '-였-'

1) [=파열되다] burst (open); break; split; splinter; (종기 등이) burst; break; open; collapse

- 터져 나갈 듯한 갈채 : a storm[thunder / volley] of applause / an avalanche of cheers
- (목재의) 말라 터진 데 :  a check
- 터진 손 : chapped hands
- 살쪄서 터질 듯한 : bulging
- …으로 터질 듯하다 : be busting with ‥ / be filled to a breaking point with ‥ / be packed to a busting point with ‥
- 박수 갈채가 터지다 : break into a loud applause
- 둑이 터졌다 : A dike collapsed[gave way]
- 입술이 터졌다 : My lips cracked
- 타이어가 터졌다 : The tire was punctured. / The tire had a blowout
- 그 연주 회장은 열광적인 청중으로 터질 지경이었다 : The concert hall was crowded[packed to overflowing] with an enthusiastic audience
- 목의 종기가 마침내 곪아 터졌다 : The boil on my neck has burst[popped open] at last
- 배가 터질 것 같다 : I am full. / My stomach's about to burst
- 풍선이 터졌다 : The ballon burst
- 구경꾼들에게서 야유가 터져 나왔다 : The spectators booed and jeered
- 나는 슬픔으로 가슴이 메어 터질 듯했다 : My heart was breaking with grief
- 나는 분노로 가슴이 터질 것만 같았다:  I felt as if I would burst with anger
- 이 양복은 솔기가 여기저기 터졌다 : Seams have popped open[come apart / come undone] here and there in this suit
- 내 스웨터의 소매가 터졌다 : The cuff of my sweater has unraveled[is unraveling / has unravelled / is unravelling]
- 벚나무의 꽃망울이 터지기 시작했다 : The cherry blossoms have begun to bloom[open]. / The cherry trees have started blooming
- 어망은 정어리로 터질 것 같았다 : The fishing net was bursting[crammed to the breaking point] with sardines

2) [•폭발하다] explode; burst (out); go off; break out; blow up

- 굉장한 소리를 내고 터지다 : blow up[go off] with a terrific explosion
- 울화통이 터지다 = 화가 많이 나다 : (사람이) fly into a passion / burst into a rage
- 화약이 터졌다 : Gunpowder exploded
- 평소의 울분이 터지고 말았다 : Their smoldering resentment flared up
- 요란한 웃음소리가 갑자기 터져 나왔다 : There was a sudden burst[roar] of laughter
- 그 계획에 대한 반대의 목소리가 터져 나왔다 : There was an outcry against the plan

3) [=발생하다] occur[happen] suddenly; break[burst] out; take place

- 중대한 사건이 터졌다 : A serious matter popped up
- 전쟁이 터졌다 : A war broke[burst] out

4) [=탄로나다] get exposed; be[come] out; be found out; be disclosed; be revealed; come[be brought] to light

- 비밀이 터졌다 : The secret was[came] out (of the bag)

5) [샘·피 등(spring•blood)] spout ; spurt ; gush out

- 코피가 터지다 = 코피가 나오다 : bleed at the nose / have a bloody nose

6) [=얻어맞다] get a blow; be beaten; be struck on

- 오늘 큰 형한테 많이 터졌다 = 오늘 큰 형한테 많이 (얻어)맞았다 : I got hit a lot by my big brother today

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