
Let’s learn about "당신“ in Korea

Please don’t use “당신“(you) to Korean.

당신 is not used in daily life. It doesn’t mean “you” in English.

In Korean, 

1) To younger person or his / her friend(s)

He / She can say “너 / 니 / 네” to someone (who is a younger person or the same age)

2) To older person or very elder person

(1) He / She can call “선배” to someone (who is a older person) in (a) a company, school, college, university or any exclusive group (b) a senior at the same company, school, college, university

(2) He can say "형 / 형님“ to male person (who is a older person) in (1) a company, school, college, university or any exclusive group (2) a senior at the same company, school, college, university

- 형님 : honourific word of elder brother (형)

(3) She can say "언니“ to female person (who is a older person) in (1) a company, school, college, university or any exclusive group (2) a senior at the same company, school, college, university

(4) In social life, He / She can say "선생님” to an elder person even though someone is not a real teacher in school, kindergarten, hospital. especially someone is a lesson teacher in SNS, app like Hellotalk and so on

(5) in other cases in social life, generally Koreans call someone as his or her title in company, civil office, goverment office and so on

* Koreans call someone's title + -님 instead of proverb(대명사) "당신"

A) Title of company or organization
- 사장님 : honourific word of boss or CEO(사장)
- 부사장님 : honourific word of vice president(부사장)
- 회장님 : honourific word of chairman(회장)
- 전무님 : honourific word of executive director(전무)
- 상무님 : honourific word of director(상무)
- 이사님 : honourific word of deputy director(이사)
- 대표님 / 대표이사님 : honourific word of CEO / president(대표 / 대표이사)
- 부장님 : honourific word of (general) manager(부장)
- 팀장님 : honourific word of team leader(팀장)
- 차장님 : honourific word of deputy general manger(차장)
- 과장님 : honourific word of section chief(과장)
- 대리님 : honourific word of deputy section chief(대리)
- 주임님 : honourific word of chief / manager (주임 : position in some company or civil office/government office etc)

B) title of a kindergarten, school, college, university or any educational institution, mîitary service

- 선생님 : honourific word of a teacher(선생)
- 교수님 : honourifi word of a professor(교수)
- 조교님 : honourifi word of a assistent of teaching/research (수업조교 / 연구 조교)

C) about the military service

(A) title of the military service

- 조교님 : honourifi word of assistent instructor (훈련조교)

- 신병들 : new recruits (younger than 조교)
- 병장님 : honourifi word of 병장(sergent), 상(등)병, 일(등)병, 이(등)병

- 하사님 : honourifi word of 하사(staff sergent)
- 중사님 : honourifi word of 중사(sergeant first class)
- 상사님 : honourifi word of 상사(master sergeant)
- 영사님 : honourifi word of 영사(
- 원사님 : honourifi word of 원사(sergeant major)

- 준위님 : honourifi word of 준위(warrant officer)
- 소위님 : honourifi word of 소위(second lieutenant)
- 중위님 : honourifi word of 중위(first lieutenant)
- 대위님 : honourifi word of 대위(captain, [해군] lieutenant)

- 소령님 : honourifi word of 소령(major, [해군] lieutenant commander)
- 중령님 : honourifi word of 중령(lieutenant colonel, [해군] commander)
- 대령님 : honourifi word of 대령(colonel, [해군] captain)

- 장군님 : 장군(general, [해군] admiral)
- 제독님 : 제독([해군] admiral, fleet commander)

(B) duty of the military service

- 소대장님 : platoon leader, platoon commander
- 중대장님 : company commander, [공군] (Brit) squadron leader
- 대대장님 : battalion commander, captain of the battalion
- 군단장님 : the commander[commanding general] of an army corps
- 참모장님 : chief of the staff
- 부사령관님 : a deputy commander in chief
- 사령관님 : 사령관(commander, commandant, commanding officer ((abb.)CO)), 최고 사령관(a supreme commander)
- 참모차장님 : deputy chief of the staff
- 참모총장님 : the chief of staff

(C) Position names is not used as calling title

- 원수 : Marshal, General Of the Army) = President of Korea, this position used at war
- 준장 : Brigadier General --> called as 장군님 or position name
- 소장 : Major General --> called as 장군님 or position name
- 중장 : Leutinent General --> called as 장군님 or position name
- 대장 : General --> called as 장군님 or position name

D) title of a hospital

- 간호사님 : honourifi word of nurse (간호사)
- 박사님 / 의사 선생님 : honourifi word of docter (박사•의사)

E) about policy

(A) title of a policy

- 순경 양반 : ordinary people often call 순경police constable)
- 형사 양반 : ordinary people often call 형사(police detective, police investigator, competent detective)

- 경장님 : honourifi word of 경장(police corporal)
- 경사님 : honourifi word of 경사(police sergeant)
- 경위님 : honourifi word of 경위(police lieutenant)
- 경감님 : honourifi word of 경감(police inspector)
- 경정님 : honourifi word of 경정(chief superintendent)
- 총경님 : honourifi word of 총경(senior superintendent
- 경무관님 : honourifi word of 경무관(commissioner of police officer, [Brit] deputy assistant commissioner, 
- 치안감님 : honourifi word of 치안감(Senior Superintendent General, [brit] Assistant Commissioner)

<The two following is called other positions>
- 치안정감 :; Chief Superintendent General, (Brit) Deputy Commissioner
- 치안총감 : Commissioner General (of the National Police Agency), (Brit) Commissioner

(B) position of a policy

- 형사님 : honourifi word of 형사(police detective, police investigator, competent detective)
- 계장님 : honourifi word of 계장(police chief)
- 파출소장님 : honourifi word of 파출소장(police chief at police substation, (Am) precinct station)
- 경찰서장님 : honourifi word of 경찰서장(police station)
- 특공대장님 : honourifi word of 특공대장(commanding office)
- 경비대장님 : honourifi word of 경비대장(gaurd captain)
- 경비단장님 : honourifi word of 경비단장(chief of gaurd captain)
- 교수님 : honourifi word of 경찰대학 교수(police professor)
- 경찰대학장님 : honourifi word of 경찰대학장(the dean of the police college)
- 경찰국장님 : honourifi word of 경찰국장(director[chief] of a bureau, general manager of police)
- 경찰차장님 : honourifi word of 경찰차장(Deputy Chief of Police)
- 경찰청장님 : honourifi word of 경찰청장(the chief of the National Police Agency / commissioner)

E) title of general restaurants, school cafeterias, corporate restaurants

- 영양사님 : honourific word of nutritionist, dietitian, dietician (영양사)

F) title of shop, department, restaurants etc

- 사장님 : honourific word of 사장(boss) 일반 직원(general employee)
- 이모님 : honourific word of elder employee (나이 많은 직원)
- 나보다 나이가 어리거나 거의 같은 경우에 식당, 백화점, 은행, 정부 기관의 직원은 이름이나 직위를 부르지 않고 “저기요” 혹은 “여기요”라고 부른다 (In the case of being younger or about the same age as me, employees of restaurants, department stores, banks, or government agencies do not call their names or positions, but call them "there" or "here.")

G) 일상 생활에서 길에서, 대중 교통, 식당, 백화점 등에서 잘 모르는 사람을 부를 때에 (In everyday life, when you call someone you don't know well on the street, in public transportation, in restaurants, in department stores, etc)

- 대체로 "저기요" / "여기요"라고 부른다 : It is generally called "Excuse me" / "Here you are"

- 나보다 좀 나이 많은 40대 ~ 70대까지 남자는 "아저씨"라고 부른다 : Men in their 40s and 70s, who are a little older than me, call them "old men."

- 나보다 나이 많은 70대 이상 남자는 "할아버지"라고 부른다 : Men in their 70s and older who are older than me call them "grandfathers."

- 나보다 나이 많은 70대 이상 여자는 "할머니"라고 부른다 : A woman in her 70s or older, who is older than me, calls her "grandmother."

2) 당신의 사용 예 (Example usage of proverb "당신"

아래의 4가지 경우가 아니면 절대로 "당신"이란 대명사를 사용하면 안된다. 한국인의 "당신"이란 말을 들으면 몹시 기분 나빠한다 (Never use the pronoun "당신" unless the following are the four cases. Koreans feel very bad when they hear the word "당신"

(1) 결혼한 부부 사이에 서로를 "당신"이라 부른다. (between a husband and a wife, both call each other "당신")

- 당신 means "[부부 사이] dear; my dear; (my) darling; (my) honey"
ex) [a wife say to her a husband] 당신이 좀 하세요 : please do this

(2) 자식이 부모가 옆에 없는 상황에서 제 삼자에게 "우리 부모님" / "우리 아버님" / "우리 어머님" 대신에 존경의 의미로 "당신께서"라고 부모를 언급하는데 사용한다. (When a male person or female person is not with his parents, he or she uses it to refer to a third party as "당신께서" with respect instead of "my parents" / "my father" / "my mother."

- 당신 means "[웃어른] he; she; himself; herself
ex) 이 음식은 당신께서 손수 장만하신 것이다 : This food was cooked by my mother herself

(3) 나이 많은 선배, 조직에서 상사가 나이 어린 사람에게 ”선배/상사가 화가 났을 때“ 경멸하듯이 ”당신이 좀 잘해야 되지 않겠어“라는 말투로 사용한다. (Older seniors, the boss in the organization uses the tone of "you should be a little good" contemptuously to the younger person "when the senior/boss is angry.")

- 당신 : hey you
ex) [a senior say to his junior without any emotion] 이거 당신껀가? : Is this your?
ex) [a senior say to his junior with contempt] 당신 똑바로 못 해? 이렇게 해서 일 제대로 끝낼 수 있겠어? : Can't you do it right? Will you be able to finish the work properly like this?

(4) 소설, 시 등에서 가족이나 사랑하는 사람을 언급할 때 : When someone talk about one's family or loved ones in novels, poems, etc.

- 당신 means "you" who someone likes or loves
ex) [a person refers to another person in novel, poetry] 당신이 그립다. 당신이 너무 보고 싶다 : I miss you. I miss you so much. It's not fun living in the world without you. And when can we see each other!

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